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He's done more on two prosthetic legs than I've done on two "real" ones! Scott Rigsby is a double amputee who has completed more than 13 triathlons. In 2007 he became the first double amputee in the world to finish the grueling Hawaiian Ironman triathlon using prosthetics at the Ford Ironman World Championship in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii.
Christian Comedian Willie Brown is a master ventriloquist and clean comedian that travels with his pal, Woody, and is perfect for your Christian comedy night or outreach event.
Dr. Jeff Myers is president of Summit Ministries, a highly respected worldview training program whose tens of thousands of graduates are making a difference in politics, law, academics, medicine, science, and business. In the last 20 years Dr. Myers has become one of America’s most respected authorities on youth leadership development. Focus on the Family founder James Dobson referred to him as “a very gifted and inspirational young leader.” 
As a former pastor, Matt Heard escorts us on a journey of discovery: that Jesus didn't come to save us from our humanity- Christ instead yearns to restore it to what God originally intended.  Matt seeks to articulate- in a comfortable, clear and compelling manner- truth that doesn't just inform but fuels and motivates transformation in practical ways.
baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;">A.J. Swoboda (PhD, Birmingham) is assistant professor of Bible, theology and World Christianity at Bushnell University and lead mentor for the Doctor of Ministry Program at Fuller Theological Seminary on the Holy Spirit and Leadership. He is the author of many books, including After Doubt (Brazos). He lives, works, and raises chickens in Eugene, Oregon.
American author, speaker, and counselor, Steve Arterburn is the radio talk-show host of New Life Live, and founder of New Life Ministries and Women of Faith.
Chris Swanson is a 4 time Ironman finisher, an author, college instructor, Sheriff in Flint Michigan, and a motivational speaker. He has a passion for changing lives and he has dedicated his life's work to doing so through passionate teaching and personal motivation.
Nona Jones is recognized as one of the world’s foremost experts on building The Kingdom through social technology, motivating thousands of church leaders each year to reimagine social media as a strategic tool for ministry. She coined the term “Social Ministry” and helped build and lead Facebook’s global Faith-Based Partnerships strategy, coming alongside churches and pastors around the world to shift their thinking from church as “building” to church as “community.” She was licensed into the gospel ministry at the age of 17 and preaches the Gospel regularly around the world.
Shawn Hennessy is the Senior Pastor of Life Church Green Bay, a speaker, an author, a blogger, Chaplain of The Green Bay Packers, co-founder of The Exchange, a proud parent to Aubree, Isaiah and Nicholas & a loving, committed husband to Sonny Hennessy.
Former NFL quarterback, author, featured speaker at Iron Sharpens Iron men’s conferences who is passionate about marriage, family and leadership.